Ces liens présentent les soutiens et les ressources offerts par les organismes non gouvernementaux de l’ensemble du pays, à l’échelle nationale, régionale et communautaire. Cette section favorise l’aide aux voisines et aux voisins au temps du COVID-19.
Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur les banques alimentaires et comment pouvez-vous nous aider
HighJinx – Neighbours helping Neighbours in Ottawa. HighJinx is a human centred social enterprise that generates income to help others by operating an antique and collectibles shop, now temporarily closed. You can help to support their ongoing efforts to provide food and necessities to those in need during COVID 19.
Ottawa homeless shelter – self-isolation location for homeless
Toronto, Ontario: Street Health – outreach nursing, mental health support and case management, HIV/AIDS/Hep C prevention, a secure mail service, and identification replacement and storage. COVID Updates and Services Information
Terre-Neuve et Labrador
Hospitality Newfoundland – What you need to know: COVID-19 Industry Resources